React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces and UI components to create fast-loading, attractive and seamless web applications and websites.
A Brief History of React
Originally designed by Jordan Walke at Facebook to help manage Facebook Ads, it was launched and made open source in 2013 though met with some scepticism as most developers at the time saw it as a huge step backwards. However, by 2015 the likes of Airbnb and Netflix were utilising it.
How much do React Developer's earn?
When it comes to FinTech, React is most commonly used in Front-End focused jobs such as UI Developers, Front-End Developers and Full-Stack Developers. Creating seamless UI's for trading systems and portfolio management tools is essential for the performance of traders and analysts, so, as you can imagine, it's an in-demand skill in Financial Services as seen by the live jobs that our clients are hiring for!
Front-End Developers with strong React experience can easily earn upwards of £125,000 a year, plus bonuses.
Refer someone you know to a new React job and earn up to £500 when your referral completes a first-round interview.